RecruitmentLanguage Quest ™ is now actively seeking new professionals to join the ranks of its quality transcribers and translators. All document translators must be experienced. Transcriptionists must be experienced, fast and accurate typists, plus have a good command of English and the other language, if applicable. Both translators and transcribers must have a comfortable working knowledge of either MS Word, WordPerfect, or both, and preference will be given to those with experience and those with translation or interpreting credentials. Prospective transcribers and translators should submit a résumé and work samples (with the names changed, of course). Document translators should take the Translation Test in this site, and submit the translation via attachment in Word, WordPerfect, or both. Spanish transcribers should take the Transcription
Test provided in this site by typing the text provided and its translation
into English in a two-column or similar table format, in either Word,
WordPerfect, or both.
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